I Have Never Passed A Parasite In My Entire Life...
I know how they breed - how and where they live - how they affect folks and what herbs will kill them - but I have never, to my knowlegde, hosted any.
Before I can remember, I was given parasite cleanses. Our family starts at age 2 and cleanses 2 times per year every year. I just finished my own HUMAWORM cleanse on April 30th - and yet again - nothing.
My family has no cancer, diabetes, mental disturbances, heart problems, sinus problems, rashes, allergies, digestive problems, weight problems and so forth. We just don't. Never have. My grandmother was almost 100 years old when she died - she died in her sleep - her heart just said "enough". Up until that point she lived alone - drove herself everywhere - and even wore high heels to church!
Can I say that parasite cleansing is the cure all? No. Can I say that regular parasite cleansing has kept me and my family healthy all of these years? No. (I can think it, but I can't say it :)
I feel so bad for some of my customers sometimes! I know WHY die-off happens, I know HOW to treat it - but I have NEVER experienced it. Much like giving birth :) Nonetheless - I am with you in spirit during your cleanses - and I will help as much as I can.