Please stop being so hyper-sensitive. I thanked you for your advice on Shingles because it was helpful. Your attempts to stir up trouble with inflammatory language is neither helpful or healing. I felt sorry for you at first when you posted an article that so many disagreed with. In fact, that is the protocol I will begin with when I start back on Lugol's. What appalls me is the way you put word's in people's mouth and try to incite trouble. Now, that is very unkind and counterproductive to the purpose of these forums. Believe it or not, there is not a vendetta against you. What scares me are your tactics are very much like Moreless' and that fact alone worries me because he thrives on creating disagreements and trouble. He considers it entertainment. I consider it inappropriate and highly immature behavior. We need to seek unity, not division. Very few people here limit themselves to only one protocol. Not everything works for every person, but that does not mean the protocol itself is faulty, just that it is not for you at this time. Mentioning potential problems based on personal experience is fine; however creating fear and uncertainty is something else altogether.
Edit-I do apologize if I hurt your feelings. That was not my intention. I just wanted to point out that the support forum regulars do not automatically turn against people who experience problems with the common protocol. People tend to react more to the negative tone of a post than just to words alone.