Deja vu, I'm at the ballpark enjoying the game. Everyone is cheering for the winning team. Slaps on backs and hugs to go around. Smiles, laughter and joking for all to enjoy. comes a belligerent drunk who stumbles over everyone, spilling his beer on all the ladies and then turning around and cursing and blaming everyone for being in his way.
Since when is agreeing with Unyquity wrong in your eyes. That is who I have been agreeing with. But in your stupor, you meant to say 23rd Psalms? You are speaking evil to me because you want to hurt 23. You want to punish anyone who would dare speak to him/her kindly. I asked him/her about an Off Topic, insufficient, minor point of his/her whole post. I wanted to know how to unclog one's kidneys. Is that the ignorant post you are referring to?
I am not an enemy. I promote Lugol's and correcting HIS. I am just trying to figure out how to do that without doing damage to myself. I'm sorry if I'm not a perfect specimen for carrying out this protocol. There is nothing about this idea that takes away from the original protocol. If you don't want to help people find an alternative way, so be it, but you need to realize that when this does goes public (really public) and everyone is clamoring for it, you are going to have people wanting answers. Answers, you don't have. (refreshed 48124)