Re: Well said, Grz...but STILL wondering... Re: TOTALLY untrue information about Iodine!
I do not disagree with you... we think alike in many ways.
However we have to remember that many of these "lies" have a whole lot of authority and business interest behind them in addition to the years\generations of "educational" brainwashing, especially of our medical personnel.
And then we also have the variations of thoughts such as kelp due to experiences of some with arsenic apparently. One persons experience may not be another's. I have had nothing but great (miraculous) results with kelp over the years so the "arsenic" defense is a lie to me. My point being that a truth to one becomes and is a lie to another dependent upon not only world view and education, but also personal experience.
Kinda like magnesium as an antagonist or synergistic partner to calcium dependent upon ratios of each in the body. If one test showed antagonism, that group of "scientists" would think that way and maybe unawares of the all important ratio relationship or other synergistic co-factors that may be necessary to create the magnesium\calcium synergy such as vitamin D, selenium,
Iodine and PTH.
I think as the above example illustrates, this is why we have so very much conflicting information as it relates to health... medicos, chemists, biologists, all "know" what something does or does not do within their very narrow scope of work and then we sometimes read these VERY biased medical articles as if their findings are written in stone.
Gotta see the forest through the trees...
I really do need to go next door, I have been putting it off. I have some energy to share with her before she leaves her body.
I will be back later.