Re: Modern Medicine versus Nature in Treating Cancer
I was thinking the same thing this morning. Evidence that alternative medicine is not just snake oil is more and more apparent. I think all we need is a few good politicians who have the same mind set as we have, and then, a lot can be done. It will take time and Big Bussiness will not like it, but am I so stupid to believe in a bright future ? Well, I think it will come true if we all start working on it actively, not thinking that other people will do whatever is right to reach a goal, no, everyone should chip in and then the movement will become so big that it will be considered as main stream. Look at Chistianity, it was severly suppressed in early Roman times, and then a few centuries later it was the official religion of the Roman Empire, why ? Because the Emperor himself was a Christian ... (this is just an example, I don't want to say that Christianity is main stream, IMHO, all people and religions or believes are equal) I do what I can, I vote with my Euros, I don't buy stuff that I consider as bad (pharmaceuticals, toxic household products, toxic foods etc.) as often as I can and that is most of the time. I support companies that produce outstanding products and that care about the environment. But the best method to reach a goal is empowerment of the public by knowledge and that's why I like the post of Dquixote so much. Thank you for taking the trouble and write such great articles and thus infoming us of other options to treat a disease like cancer. I appreciate it very much !!! If there is anything I can do in return, just ask me.