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Re: Sans Sucre
sans sucre Views: 1,219
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Re: Sans Sucre

Hi Stanna,

Thanks so much for such a good explanation - I really appreciate it. Sorry to hear about the moldy building situation. That pretty much sucks, especially if it means not goig back to college. :( I don't do well in moldy buildings either. I spent half my childhood playing in the basement that had been set up as a rec room for the kids in the house, and was always wheezing whenever I would go down there. Of course, no one connected the dots back then. It is probably just a matter of time before that reaction lessens in you, though, since you are doing so much better.

I tried the veggies again last night, since yesterday I just kept feeling better and better as the day went on until I felt practically great (and the only thing that could have done that is the veggies, since everything else was the same as usual). I did not get that same weird reaction the second time I tried them. Not sure why. Maybe something else caused it or maybe it was a minor die off from what little candida I have left and it was so effective it killed it right then and there. I agree with you that the good effects are very immediate - I am pretty shocked but delighted. I was doing pretty well already - maybe that is why I am getting such a dramatic reaction (good reaction). I noticed a HUGE improvement in food allergies after just one dose of this stuff.

Actually, I have a little story about "feeling it work".

Last night as I was leaving work, I had a low blood Sugar reaction (I'm type 1 diabetic). I treated it, but it still went lower, and I ended up having to sit on this wall near where I work for almost 45 minutes until I could function again, shaking, sweat pouring off me - you get the drift. I also ended up extremely hungry for something sweet. It was an unusually severe reaction and that can make me crave sweets after. I did not want to eat sugar, but on another level I could not help myself. I went into Walgreens and I ended up deciding on these Sugar free Almond Rocca candies that were made with Sucralose (bad, I know, but I thought at the time it would be better than Sugar - now I am not so sure). Anyway, I ate the candies and was ok for about 1/2 hour, then my stomach started getting really bloated and uncomfortable, and my God, Stanna, the gas that started coming out of me would have awoken the dead it was so putrid! And the cramping - it was a horror. My stomach was all bloated and expanded and my pants were so tight - I looked pregnant. Never again with the Sucralose - NEVER! So, I tried taking some of the Veggie Delight and ate about 1/3 cup. With first bite, I could feel a calming, like you mentioned. And then, I could actually feel a battle between the probiotics in the veggies and whatever evilness had been stirred up by that Sucralose-fest. The veggies won, and my stomach was flat again in about 1.5 hours.

This is miracle food!


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