Lol, I love all things simpsons. That's a good comment.
I also got really good results with humaworm. I kicked off this year with the humaworm cleanse. Shortly before I had tried the simple clarkia tincture and paragone. I like clarkia, but paragone SUCKS!!!! I was feeling horrible so stopped and started humaworm like a week later, and what a surprise, I was passing a heap load of worms the very next day. Before humaworm, I could feel something constantly traveling around in my intesntines, I couln't stand it. After humaworm my abdomen was completely still and at at peace, what a feeling.
I don't like Hulda Clarks method of doing things. She recommends megadosing for everything, and constantly using black walnut and wormwood, which surely sets you up for some resistant parasites. Another bad recommendation of hers is doing the parasite cleanse before the liver cleanse. It's common sense that killing parasites with a dirty/clogged liver leaves you with more toxins than you can handle. I think Humaworm is probably the only parasite cleanse I will ever do before a liver cleanse again. After all, if you look at the formula most of the herbs are blood, lymph, bowel cleansers and so on.
It's always good to hear how well a natural remedy works. And even better to feel it. Happy Cleansing. :)