Re: the good news (water and salt too!)
Monsanto is definitely a bigee. But the kind of potential / unknown stuff being discussed may not be happening only at the commercial corporate level. Just an example, Penn State University (main campus) is not far from here. They've grown quite a bit over the years. Among other things, they are big on most things related to Agri Tech. About 2 years ago, near the end of summer, there was a literal swarm of ladybugs invading all over central Pennsylvania covering a swath conservatively of a couple hundred miles in diameter, and these were a strain supposedly modified to be a bit more aggressive. Granted, LadyBugs, even hopped up ones, are not much to be fearful of..... so it would seem, anyway. News eventually came that "nothing to worry about folks, just a harmless experimental study being conducted by PSU, you may go back to sleep now, and keep on swatting". For all I know this was a legit study, but for all I know, I really don't know what they expected to study from the result of releasing millions of lab-raised modifed lady bugs into the general populous. Maybe they were honestly trying to study just how much they could annoy the populous. I mean, everybody had ladybugs in their houses, in their basements, in their closets, in their drop ceilings, in their pants and on their person. It was enough to make one wonder - what they could be up to if they should be so inclined?