Re: Glyco News
Since Dr. McDaniels(Father of Glyco Stem Cells) is helping you I would suggest you ask him why not use more Plus. A Dr. Geon mentioned to a friend who was dying of many sicknesses including diabetes, lung problems, over weight, etc. to try taking up to 13 PLus with a much lower A*****ose. She lived many more years. Also emperically we have tried the kids Gummi Bears and Glyco Bears on a doctors suggestion on two cancer patients. One person aays it real keeps the cold bugs off of him, the other says it doesn't help but he put his grandchildren on it, one with a bad case of autism. The child with autism is now normal, even winning a award in school. The man who won't use the kids stuff though, has whipped cancer on A*****ose. He has recently switched to the new vitamin,mineral,photochemical 'Photo Matrix' that just has had a patient applied for it is so high tec.
One thing you are doing great is to gather around your dad and making him feel great and lots of love. If he likes ice cream then by all means, has he ever tried Breyers Choclate Mint Chip. Publics makes a green version thats great......if he wants sweet but healthy, then remember those great products Noni Juice and Goji juice. The trouble with Gojo is that it taste to good and the tootes(as my daughter says) is pretty bad. Keep the man happy and the atmosphere great! Our prayers our with you.
Your servant, Doc.