Re: do you wonder why kids hair is always perfect and they never do anything to it? heres why, and how to reclaim your perfect hair!
Hey Ozone,
how are you? Doing good here.
So, I am doing this again tonight (Friday). Have the towel tight and am going to stay as 'still' as possible tonight :).
I understand I wash hair in am. I have a cap ready to wear to work this weekend. Hoping my hair is in not serious grease mode on Monday...doing a girls night out! If it is, I will still have cap :)!
I know you said not to wash hair every day. I understand the why and all but here's my question...while I am under the often do I wash it? I am using Kiss My Face
Olive-Oil Soap for hair, face and am going to try teeth. I also got Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap for body.
Well, I am looking forward to 'perfect' healthly hair...:D!!! OH and I have a surpirse birthday party tomorrow night that I JUST remembered...AFTER having done hair...LOL!!! OH well, me an my cap hopefully can pull off 'mystique'!
Have an inspiring weekend, Ozone!
Love, Light and Peace,