i have had them for a week. yesterday was the worst. it must be detoxing my liver because i was so disgusted with the world and man in general i could bite nails in half. i was in tune the whole time but still i kept thinking - why didnt i know about this right after i got my fillings out? or even earlier? but i do believe it is all for the best. this has been easy compared to what i have been through. having the mercury out of my mouth, having chelated with cilantro for over a year, and having avoided all fluoride for several years, i could nto have been more ready for this. and knowing god the way i do, your timing was perfect. its me who has the problem being humble and grateful. its bad enough being born an idiot without all the crap they give us to make us worse. i dont know how some people function. but like that old documantary i saw the other day, i think most people have the potential to be geniuses. they are poisoned and under a spell, making them cretins, or worse, zombies and sociopaths.