Dr. Hardy
Thank you so so much Dr. Hardy, just the fact that you didn't say this was some sort of medical emergency made me less fearfull, you wouldn't believe how fearfull
I've been, I've been driving my entire family nuts..lol..but I can't help it, I get like this, and now that i'm perimenopausal, it's worse! GEEZ! But to be honest, I think I had good reason to be concerned, I mean, if you start noticing strange and different things on your body, yeah, I think you should look into it.....so, first thing tomorrow, I'm out the door to my local privatley owned health food store to pick up all the ingredients you said, I'll take them FAITHFULLY!
ok, so, if I take these herbs and vitamins as directed (which I will, most definatley!) I can pretty much be assured (I realized you can't PROMISE me, but to the best of your knowledge) that these vericose veins will "disappear" (or close to that I guess) on my calf, and that the veins in my right foot will not become pressurized anymore? or have that DARK purple color? Again, of course I realize
you can't diagnose or promise me anything, I know that...I'm just asking basically
in general, that's all?
Also, one other thing, that really has me going here....if you get a blood clot in your calf, does that mean for certain it'll move up into your thigh? and if THAT happens, does THAT mean for certain that it'll move into a main artery and go to your heart or lungs? Also, (sorry), do you ever develop a blood clot up in the thigh, or does it HAVE to start down in the calf?
listen, thank you very much for helping this insanley fearfull woman!
God Bless You.....Starlight