Re: -- Organized Religions equals Deceit !--
You said: Look at the ideas of the Muslim leaders telling the Masses to sacrifice themself as "Human Bombs", if it was such a good idea to get them to the supposed Heaven, then "WHY" are the Leaders not Sacrificing themself instead ! Islam is "NO" different, for their leaders are keeping the masses Brainwashed with "False" info as well ! It is because they are a bunch of hipocrites like everyone else who is trying to control the masses in every other organized Religion around the world !
My question is. Which Muslim leaders are you talking about here. It clearly states in Islam that suicide is a major sin and is wrong. You are probably talking about the leaders in Irag and Afghanistan. Those Terrorist leaders are "NOT" real Muslims. So please stop generalizing all Muslim leaders. There are a few bad apples in every religion, but that dosn't mean the entire religion is like that.
You said: But most every Religion may have a Few people who are trying to learn how to Live a Peaceful Happy Life with their fellow man, and these people may be Righteous people , counted worthy of the Creator of "ALL" of Mankind !
I to my friend are one of those few people. Thank you.