It worked great for me! The only time I have had the reflux is when I need to have a BM (even if I didn't know that I needed to go). I was only on the fast for six days, I got so constipated that I had to stop (wasn't able to get the saltwater to stay down and was afraid of laxatives due to Chron's disease). I was afraid of the laxative tea and couldn't make myself take it.
That was July 8th and I went on strictly veggies and fruits and still had the constipation. So, I felt forced to do the laxative tea and it has worked so well that I'm back on the "cleanse". Day two now and heading for 30 (again). I felt so good after day six aside from the constipation that I am more determined than ever to do it for the full 30 days this time around.
This site is fabulous for all the info and support!