What is Liver Flush?
St. Johnswort (Hypericum perforatum) is also known as Perforate St. John's Wort and Klamathweed.
Medical Uses:
Hypericums contain large amounts of tannins, various glycosides such as hypericin and rutin and the essential oil catechol.
The oil extract of the plant can be taken for stomach ache, colic, intestinal problems, and as an expectorant for the congestion in the lungs. Externally, a medicinal infusion of the flowers in olive oil is applied to wounds, sores, burns, ulcers, swellings, cramps, rheumatism, tumours, caked breasts, and other skin problems.
There are 400 species of St. Johnswort found throughout the world, it has been used as a medicinal herb for thousands of years, but has only recently been studied for its medicinal value. Now proven to have many highly active constituents including ascorbic-acid, rutin, pectin, choline, sitosterol, quercetin, hypericin and pseudohypericin.
The flowers and leaves are medicinal as analgesic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, aromatic, astringent, cholagogue, digestive, diuretic, expectorant, nervine, resolvent, sedative, stimulant, vermifuge and vulnerary. Some compounds of the plant have been shown to have potent anti-retroviral activity without serious side effects and they are being researched in the treatment of AIDS.
It is also valued in the treatment of sunburn.
It is regularly given as prescriptions in many European and Eurasia countries especially for depression.
The plant is known to be a mild sedative, anti-inflammatory, astringent, antiseptic, diuretic.
An oil extract made with olive or sunflower oil is used to treat wounds, burns, insect bites and many other external conditions.
Native Americans used Hypericum for several conditions that tannin would be appropriate for and as a tea to treat tuberculosis.
Testing shows it may be effective against tuberculosis.
Warning: May cause irritation to sensitive skin and taken internally may make the skin more sensitive to light.
In addition to neuralgic pain, it will ease fibrositis, sciatica and rheumatic pain.
There are many ancient superstitions regarding this plant, its name Hyperieum is derived from the Greek and means 'over an apparition,' a reference to the belief that St. Johnswort smelled so obnoxious to evil spirits that a whiff of it would cause them to fly. The plant was given to have magical powers. In ancient Greece, the herb was used to treat many ailments, including sciatica and poisonous reptile bites.
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liver stones - Intrahepatic Cholesterol Stones" SRC="http://2bnthewild.com/stjohns.jpg">
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