Re: insurance for amalgam removal
Where did you flunk chemistry? Each filling has 500,000 to 1,ooo,ooo micrograms hg . It does not evaporate when placed;it poisons you slowly over several years. I don't have all day ,or week to list the diseases caused by hg, the most toxic ,mutagenic substance on the planet except plutonium. You should read Tooth Truth by Frank Jerome DDS and Its All in Your Head by Hal Huggins MS DDS and then read the hundreds of peer reviewed scientific studies referred to by them. There is a mountain of evidence that
Amalgam is toxic. THe studies that suggest its safe are flawed and usually in the dental version of Pravda ,the JADA which incidently is not a peer reviewed journal.
If a person has 15 fillings they are exposed to well over 100 microgms hg /day. ten microgms/day is toxic according to the EPA, WHO etc.
What is your scientific background?