I was just talking to my ex air force husband and he said,:That he heard on the radio that more americans have been killed by illegal aliens in our country than all the soldiers killed in Iraq." Anyone else heard this? I am totally against illegal aliens. I have no middle ground here. They should have to do as all of us have had to and our ancestors to become a citizen. I am not learning spanish I don't have time to. I dont' think they have heard the voice of American people on this obviously. Legal immigrants is one thing and illegal is quite another. It is becoming more apparent the homeland suffers while a war is brewing under our noses. Why are our citizens suffering at the hands of illegal immigrants and what should be a priority has turned into a long drawn out process ( not immediate action taken)throughout this country while the influx continues. Its like the Iraqi war (out of control). I think Bush has done the best he knew how as only one man but obviously these are issues that needed to be address for a long time. He has had alot come at him and aged alot. No one man could fix these problems when they have been brewing for as long as they have.