Re: For Raider
Hello lapis,
Well, I am glad you responded. Yes she does do the 2 things you stated and has some medical back ground and nutritionalist she semmed to be more knowledgable then the other 3 but they did seem to know alot. She is jewish, I think at least 2 of the others might be buddist. So I am really trying hard to find someone more closer to my belief system per say then buddisum.
I know she keep saying she is expensive the others where 125.00 to 150.00 per hr.
I really think this one might be more even kill or level headed.
I must tell you that I am a little leary still I have been reading on that yahoo forum somewhat and all this talk about angels and aura and different things are making me wonder if this is an avenue I want to take or not I will continue to do more research before making any final plans. Not sure yet if I feel comfortable and if I really understand what is being done.
Again, have you had this done yet yourself????????
If so your experience would be greatly apprecaited!!!