Thanks for the nice informative post.
I do have the Bob Beck one you are talking about also the brain tuner.
I use to use the magnetic pulser alot it did not help my clogged lymphs before maybe I should try it agian. I was using mine and my sisters one on each arm last yr around sept-oct everyday for over a month. I have never really been able to tell if the pulser has benefited me or not.I have had mine for probably 5 yrs now.
I need a new head set for my brain tuner they wear out after a while. I was thinking with a mouth full of amalgam I wonder if that brain tuner is a good idea sending the electrial currents into the same area.
Thanks for the suggestions I will look into the websites you mentioned.
Also I have a rebounder a new one a friend let me barrow I only used it a few times. I know blueduck keeps telling me to get it out and use it.
I guess excerise is hard when you feel toxic and sluggish. I just thought maybe this LBG would be a good start. I think its gonna take a lot as I have been this way for almost 5 years.