18 y
That's something cool to think about
I could certainly be OPEN to the idea that Jesus went pretty much anywhere. But I don't think we have any hard, cold "evidence" of that, life for a research resource for a paper. At least, there isn't a Bible verse that says, "And then Jesus went to India." Whether he traveled there in his first 30 years of life, I don't know, but I don't rule it out.
BUT especially after his resurrection, he could just appear and disappear in different places because he was in the new body, so at that point he could have easily have transported to EVERY nation, for that matter, and preached to them or something! He was on earth for 40 days post-resurrection. He probably didn't need sleep (I would guess) and it would be day in another part of the earth. He could have been praying and/or he could have been traveling!
I had never thought of this possibility before, and it is intriguing.
I do, however, agree with another poster that the main focus of Jesus' ministry (last 3 years of life) was first to the Jews (although certainly yet to all people). Jesus didn't exclude anyone who would listen and really wanted to follow him. But most of the time he was getting his disciples geared up and after he left and the holy spirit came and the disciples were ready, then they began to spread the gospel to other countries.
ALSO if someone means, "did Jesus go to India, EVER" and we are including the possibilities of Jesus showing himself, for example, like he did to Saul/Paul or some such thing, in ANY time, then I would not rule that out, either. So Jesus could have been in India that way, too.