Re: TO Eksangha
That's not a problem. I totally understand it. I am partly deaf since birth, so reading messages can be confusing for me.
My first question would be... should I stay on the meds till I am cure or get off of it?? My friends are the one who worry about my t4 count. They were really upset when they heard that I got off of it the second time. I am back on it 6 days ago. My body keep telling me to get off of it. That is why I got off of it twice for a month each times.
I have been on curezone since Feb. The first thing I did was drink lots of veg. juice and eat lots of salad/fruit for 3 months, as the same time I did do 90 days
Science Detox. I did loose 20 pound. I went from 165 to 145. After that I went to Mexico to get all 9 mercury filling taken out. I did
Liver Flushes on my own for awhile till I used
Dr. Schulze 5 daysliver/ 5 days kidney cleanse. I did fast for 10 days while on it. I am getting ready to do another Humacleanse (parasite)and
Colon Cleanse in a week. I am now using Moreless alkaline drink which I loves. Huge improvements for me.
I dont know much about bone marrow and thymus. I better do some research on it.