Over the eons Americans have beomce pretty good at beign complacent in surrendering many aspects of their freedom. The good news once was, Creator-given freedom was once nearly infinite prior to being whittled away through legislation fraud. That was then. This is now - so much of it has been forfeited that that part of it still intact has made freedom a lot more finite enough to be noticeable to even the most casual observer of the present. Whatever you do, whatever else you may consider forfeiting without struggle, do not ever surrender or even think about giving up to the police state one of the few things still standing between them and you: the 4 most precious metals, Gold, Silver, Steel and Lead! If you don't have at least a little of each already, you better think about doing so tude sweet. And you may want to consider sources that do not leave obvious paper and electronic trails back to the police state.