Re: Meat into Vinegar experiment revisited
Hey there.
apxr, that was Awesome!!!
Thanks. I do wish I wouldn't have found anything, though, but unfortunately, infestation IS A FACT, if there was ever any doubt about it.
sad thing is- if you showed it to some one official- they'd say... "errr, its' probably just some lint that got on the lense." -- (yeah,right!)
My advice to any individual is to spread this by word of mouth rather than by trying to get a "fair hearing" from 'the authorities'; no one will. Quite a number of people have suffered "accidents" this way.
I wonder what sort of images can be seen from meat in different towns. That'd be VERY informative and possibly indicative of the 'endemic' distribution of
parasites in each one's area (which
parasites are most likely to be infecting the residents). It'd be good evidence against 'the skeptics' as well.