Re: An Aussie's comment
If gun ownership had been legal at the time of these riots, there would have been an absolute blood bath - lebanese youths were smashimg cars and people for several nights, hospitalising several aussies who had nothing to do with the whole thing. Incidentally, the guy with the gasoline and matches was an aussie, not a lebanese, he had had enough - imagine if he had been allowed to have a gun!
Tempers were running so hot after years of police inaction allowing the problem to escalate, that guns in the mix would have been horrendous. NB - the problem here was the state government trying to whitewash middle eastern crime into non existence by ignoring it, not by people not having guns.
Most of the middle eastern crime involving guns was in driveby shootings and executions betweeen rival drug gangs, not innocent bystanders being shot! The middle eastern crime problem is not only in Australia - France and other European countries are having the exact same problems with the numerous well organised gang rapes of local teenage girls, involvement in drug crime and car theft rackets - but over there they don't have the government preaching political correctness and "look the other way". Here in NSW we had an extremely well paid British import playing at being Police Commissioner, who instructed police to leave the scene if confronted by gun bearing lebanese and pretend they didn't see them - made their crime figures look really good, when these numerous incidents weren't even reported!
The gun debate is absolutely irrelevant here - this is western governments being too scared to stand up to middle eastern gangs (mostly muslim) for fear of being criticised for political incorrectness - and the local population getting fed up with their womenfolk being targeted for abuse or possible rape every time they walk out their door. The actual riots were started by lebanese men bashing a lifesaver unconscious when he asked them to leave the beach and stop harrassing women and girls - what has this got to do with guns?