One worm that dies like magic with my formula is the red sheep fluke and it is very common in the USA according to the WHO, they wanted to chemo every human in the USA some time back because they said it was epidenic and near impossible to kill the suckers.
I have noticed more people than not had plenty of these and some had allot and this can cause the womb to be sterile and a host of other problems as well from what I have read.
I found it comforting that the dewormer formula taste mild yet can knock this parasite out dead in short time. The next big question: if you look in my 108 pages and web site; I have the pictures of the worms I commonly seen in a 3 year period of looking at liver flush results and seen these red worms very commonly, etc. QUESTION: Will we ever know if the commerical brands can do this?????We know their formulas taste horrible via the dr. clark alcohol method, but do they produce the red worms?