Wish I had your doctor!
I'm impressed that your doctor referred you here rather than offering to cut out your gallbladder.
With Crohn's, you have an inflamed digestive tract. Don't overdo the bowel cleansing. Stay away from P&B shakes for sure. Drink lots of water so you don't get dehydrated. Green veggie juices are also good. Slippery Elm is an herb that forms mucilagenous gel when mixed with water. It soothes the digestive tract.
You might do a salt water flush (2Tbs
Sea Salt in 1qt pure warm water, sipped over the course of half an hour). That will clean you out from top to bottom but shouldn't irritate your intestines. You might use olive oil on your anus to keep it from getting sore. Drink the salt water before noon, to give it time to clear your system that day.
I like to take a 45 minute long
Epsom Salt and baking soda bath in the afternoon, scrubbing my skin with a loofa, to stimulate the skin to eliminate toxins as well.
You can start a
Liver Flush that evening, making sure to do an enema the next day to make sure you get rid of the toxins flushed from your liver and gallbladder.
As you resume eating after this regime, eat lightly, very simple foods and avoid sugar, alcohol, refined or processed foods. You might start eating one type of food per day, to figure out what it is that is triggering the Crohn's. Wheat and milk are two common triggers. Drinking aloe vera juice often soothes an inflamed intestine.
Be gentle with yourself and listen to your body. Keeping a log book of what you eat and how you feel may help you identify patterns. For example, you might notice a couple times you ate guacomole and got diarreha. Was it the corn chips or the avocado? Try them separately to see.