How would one go from warm to say warmer and then hot if there isn't a scale with opposite ends(absolute lines)?
Could you not, with your reasoning also say that, cold is the absence of heat, dark is the absence of light, and evil is the absence of good?
The purpose of duality, (even the concepts of opposites or "absences" as you put it) is to allow an experience of comparisons, distinctions, etc. What would "good" be without having something to compare itself against? Where would the varying levels of light, etc come from if there was only a constant representation of light?
In math, a line needs two points otherwise there can be no line. Just a single point. This is a very important distinction. The placement of those two points can be as infinitely expansive as your consciousness allows it to be. *wink*
Through the study of sacred geometry one quickly realizes how duality creates our "existance".
The dual nature of our universe and moreover, consiousness, comes about by having nothing and everything (alpha and omega) together, with our free will riding between like a cursor in the middle of a line of absolute choices.
How would one go from warm to say warmer and then hot if there isn't a scale with opposite ends(absolute lines)?
Could you not, with your reasoning also say that, cold is the absence of heat, dark is the absence of light, and evil is the absence of good?
The purpose of duality, (even the concepts of opposites or "absences" as you put it) is to allow an experience of comparisons, distinctions, etc. What would "good" be without having something to compare itself against? Where would the varying levels of light, etc come from if there was only a constant representation of light?
In math, a line needs two points otherwise there is can be no line. Just a single point. This is a very important distinction. The placement of those two points can be as infinitely expansive as your consciousness allows it to be. *wink*
Through the study of sacred geometry one quickly realizes how duality creates our "existance".
The dual nature of our universe and moreover, consiousness, comes about by having nothing and everything (alpha and omega) together, with our free will riding between like a cursor in the middle of a line of absolute choices.