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Help! Questions about whether I should start a juice fast.
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Published: 18 y

Help! Questions about whether I should start a juice fast.

Hi, I have a few questions and I was hoping someone could help me.

I'm not totally new to juicing, but I've never done a juice fast before. I've already seen the benefits of fresh juices (mainly the relief of brain fog) and am eager to try a fast in the near future.

I'm not in good health right now, mentally or physically. I was recently hospitalized due to a wildly irregular heartbeat--cause unknown. I've had headaches almost constantly for the last three months. I've tested positive for an autoimmune disease (ana=speckled, which puts it in the lupus family, but it hasn't been narrowed down yet). I'm suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, which has brought along plenty of anxiety, depression, and nightmares. Other chronic health issues are GERD, endometriosis, allergies, and hypothyroid (still not under control), constant fatigue, and all-over itching.

As you can guess, I'm really looking for ideas to feel better and get back to LIVING. When I mentioned possibly doing a juice fast I was cautioned by a friend who thought I should wait until I'm doing a bit better. She said that I should wait until my Depression has lessened because one can experience mood swings during a fast that might make it worse. She also wanted me to give the doctors a little more time to figure out what could be causing the heart issues.

Now, I'd love to hear your perspectives. Do you think I should wait? Or could a juice fast be exactly what I need to get my health kick-started? What length of fast would you recommend for a first timer? Is there anything I should do or try before starting a juice fast?

Sorry for such a long post! Thanks for reading :) All input is appreciated.


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