1st Cleanse complete here's what happened
Ok, I did it. The lemonade did not make me queasy, the Magnesium Citrate did. VERY as a matter of fact, it wanted to come right back up as soon as I swallowed it. The lemonade settled my stomach, I added a little ginger to it as well. The oil (cold pressed almond) and grapefruit tasted fine. The Magnesium Citrate had sparkling water added to it and a lot of
citric acid . It was quite sour and after I finished it, my stomach felt quite acidic and gassy. The warm lemonade with ginger was quite effective. I went to bed, had no problem falling asleep, I woke up maybe once in the night with slight cramping, more a heavy feeling in my abdomen really. I woke at 6am and lay in bed till 6:30 feeling things move lower and lower until I finally had to GO. And I have been going every 10 minutes or less ever since. Mostly what I have seen are really tiny bright green soft balls. Only 1 or 2 that were bigger than the size of a grape seed, most the size of a sesame seed and that shape, a few round. Maybe 40 or 50 of them. I shined the light as HC said to do and saw nothing that reflected (she said it would glitter in the light) No gravel, no chaff so far. I finished the bottle of Mag Cit in one go at 7am knowing I would not be up to doing it in two doses. I have experienced no pain, not even from repeated visits, no burning either.