Liver/gallbladder flush
Gallbladder disease runs strongly in my family, particularly among the women on my mother's side, many of whom who have had their gallbladders removed already. Like most of them, I had a history of gas, animal-like belching all the time, indigestion, and discomfort after fatty meals. This was reduced greatly by adopting a more
healthy Diet over the past 15 or so years. But I still occasionally have mild symptoms and feel that my liver is sluggish.
So, I began doing the flushes about 2 years ago. Last night I did my third flush. I used the protocol which involves eating no fat the day of flush, no food at all after 2pm, and the
Epsom Salts at 6 and 8pm, followed by 3/4 cup olive oil with fresh grapefruit juice at 10pm, and two more
Epsom Salts mixtures in the morning.
In the morning, I began to pass "stones" - very, very green ones about the size of small green peas (about 50 of those). Also passed many more very small tannish, "stones."
This is my quandry. What are these things really? I guess I still have doubt that these are liver or gallstones. Could they not be the olive oil, which is also greenish in color, though hardly as green and vivid in color as the "stones." I collected about 10 of the green ones and squashed them. They were very, very waxy. If they are made of cholesterol, as I have read, why are they so so so green?
During my first flush, I passed stones which were harder, and when cut in half, were made of two or three colors - dark tan and dark green. They seemed a lot more like
Gallstones that had not yet calcified. They were not waxy. My second flush was not very successful at all. I didn't follow the protocol and ate a fatty breakfast the day of the flush. How stupid, and what a waste of time.
Anyway, my husband is a physician - a very open-minded D.O. I showed him the "stones," from this third flush. He believes that they do represent some formations that were already present in my liver and gallbladder. He thinks I should repeat the procedure and plans on doing it himself. I will repeat this in 2 weeks. I'm just worried that this is all for naught, and that somehow the flush procedure itself is producing these "stones."
Any comments? I could use some more encouragement. And, if I continue the flushes will I eventually get to a point where I'm not passing anything at all? If I do, that will be proof that the "stones" are not produced by the flush. If they were, one would always get "stones" forever, no matter how many times they do the flush.
Thanks for any responses.