> > I read where you should do at least six flushes at 2 - 3 weeks apart. Why can't you do them weekly?
I am waiting two weeks because that is what is recommended by those who have been down the road leading others through this. I am trusting their experience while also listening to my own body. I felt like the Epsom Salts were a bit harsh on my system so I didn't want to do it again in a week. One thing I did do was drink more olive oil and grapefruit in the am after the third dose of Epsom Salts . I did that because I just felt I should. It worked because I got more stones out later and the next day. It just seemed like I needed a little more push. I am just starting this process so I prefer to take it slow. I spent probably over 30 years getting the stones in so I like to take it slow and allow my body to adjust to this cleansing process. Best of luck with the healing process.