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Re: I don't believe advice to NOT do a cleanse while stones blocked
Hi Celia
Of course it's a good thing to follow your feelings but you also need to be aware that gut feelings can become muddied and clouded by other emotions. I'm one of those people who do generally follow their intuition but I know that sometimes I am wrong because other life circumstances can interfere with the clarity of that intuition. For instance, worry about work or paying the bills or just feeling distracted can all get in the way and there is no way of knowing what factors may be influencing other peoples gut feelings. With this in mind, I am careful to try to balance all information to make an informed decision.
I think personally think that although intuition is important so is experience, which if why most cultures (if not ours) value the older and often wiser people in society.
My recommendation to you, Celia, is to do what YOU feel is right and to balance that by using your own experience and knowledge gained from the experience of others. By all means take the feelings of others into consideration but make sure this is balanced by your own feelings and experience.
My own experience is that I have to cleanse if I get a stone stuck (and this has happened several times) it is the only way for me to relieve the discomfort.
That is me though, I believe that you should take in all the information available to you and then make YOUR own decision.
Good luck