Hi Mom! I'm doing pretty well...it's a rollercoaster lately...
Anyway...absolutely not! Just because you dream that your husband is cheating on you does not mean that he is or is going to! No way! It's all about YOU. It's simply about your insecurities and sense of Self.
This is a great little (but important!) project for you to work on...making it so these dreams aren't so frequent.
I think the numbers in the dream are the key.
Develop your spirituality (which you have a ton of! I've seen your chart!)....and I wonder if the dream is indicating that this is something that you and your husband could do together?
Do some cleansing (the laundry in your dream) ....the physical cleanses here on curezone also purge old emotions that we've held onto for toooo long (like those past men who were unfaithful to you - flush 'em outta there!). Bowel cleansing and
Liver Flushes would be perfect!
And through the Divine (0) (that well-placed Neptune that you have!) develop your Individual and Creative Self (1)...and well as commit (3) to balancing your Mind, Body and Spirit (3)
Then....I bet those cheating dreams will disappear! (and their disappearance will reflect the strengthened new you!)
*glad to see you back here! It seems like I'm saying this all the time to people - but it's true...just yesterday I was wondering where 'Mom' was! and...voila! here you turn up!*