Re: The Master's Miracle Soap & neutralizer
Hi Robbie,
My husband and I have been using some of these products for about two months now. I use the soap as a shampoo and in the bath, for hands, toothbrushing, etc. We are especially impressed with the Neutralizer Gel. Several dentists had recommended a
root canal to my husband after he had some dental work done - it seems the dentist did something to one of his nerves and it was killing him. After applying the gel, he had no more pain. Now he brushes with it once or twice a day. He feels that his gums and teeth are getting more firm. He has always had problems with his teeth. It was amazing to see how fast it worked.
For baths, we like to use the magnesium salts, about 1 tablespoon of the soap, 1 tablespoon of the Neutralizer liquid, and some magnesium oil. I have only done one of these, but my husband has done several. It usually knocks him out.
I have been using the laundry ball. It does not get my whites as clean as I would like them, so I am supplementing with Oxyclean, which the distributors said was fine. I sanitize with distilled white vinegar. I sometimes use 1 TBSP of the soap and 1 TBSP of the Neutralizer liquid in the wash along with the laundry ball, and our wash feels so soft. It is amazing.
I usually spray the magnesium oil on my skin after a shower and just after spraying on Prill water.
As far as detoxing through the soap, I could not swear to you that it does this. I know that is one of the claims. I am not having any testing done. I mainly take showers, so I think that is where I am not seeing a dramatic difference. It seems that the folks who see the fastest improvements take a lot of baths. Also, I have been paying attention to diet, lifestyle, cleanses, etc. for quite some time now, so hopefully there is not too much left to detox.
I recently received their lotion, but have not tried it yet. Still working on the Silver Magic lotion.
I also just received the Scar Remedy and it is amazing on my latest Terminator burn scar. The older scars seem to be taking longer to start changing.
I purchased my products from Global Light Network.
Let me know how you like your products.