I have been hitting the Schulze liver/gallbladder detoxification program pretty hard lately. I AM NOW ABLE TO EAT GRAINS WITHOUT FEELING THE OVERWHELMING FATIGUE CRUSHING DOWN ON ME!!!!!! Before I would require 24 Metagest digestive tablets (HCL) in order to not feel the reaction. Now I require NOTHING. In only two weeks.
I ended the Shulze cleanse before this weekend began, then yesterday (Sunday), I did another epsom salt/lemon and olive oil flush. BUT I GOT ZERO STONES OUT! Could it be because the Schulze flush took care of them already? (so fast?)
My two other flushes I got out LOADS of stones. Now nothing. It's so strange! But maybe a good sign? Any ideas?
Thanks guys! I think I am going to keep on doing Shulze' cleanse. It doesn't require Epsom Salts and it's more fun to me. :P