Re: I cured my Ulcerative Colitis
Your message about the QXCI test interested me and decided to give it a try. I went to see a practitioner last Wednesday and I have a follow-up this Friday. The test revealed that my gut's environment was highly acidic (mainly because of the medications I take). The machine showed an abundance of bacteria, including amoebas like in your case. The practitioner performed some treatment of my bowels and said that I should try some homeopathics after my next visit. I payed $125 CAN and the follow ups are $ 75 CAN.
I don't know if it is thanks to the session, or the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, or the pills I swallow each day, but my condition improved. One thing I know for sure is that I want to get rid of the drugs I take. Currently, I take 2+1+1 Salofalc (instead of 2+2+2+2 as recommended by my doctor) 2 prednisone pills which I reduce by half a pill each week, and 1 mercaptopurine pill instead of 2, as prescribed. The last drug, which I started taking about a week ago, made me very sick- loss of apetite, nausea, fatigue. I informed the doctor, he asked for some blood tests, and then told me to continue taking the pills.
Every time I asked for his opinion about the special diet, the importance of stress for my UC, the QXCI test and many other alternative treatments, he was always skeptical, was not interested at all, and did not recommend trying them.
Well, I am curious about the results of the test on Friday. I will also try the slippery elm herb even though the bleeding is minor at present. I have never tried the probiotics, but may be that's what I need to put my UC into total remission.
Thank you for sharing about the QXCI. Best of luck and never ending health!