There is something else I forgot to mention to illustrate the idea of economics and globalization. I read an article last year about the Prison industrial complex (many products in this country are manufactured in prisons for 70 cents an hour or less and the prisoners sometimes charged $10 a day for room and board). Many products that are made in South America, China, etc. are also made by employees that get paid the same because their countries have been kept poor by the effects of war and unrest. The killing caused by war is not as important to the powers that be as the creation of a weakened and struggling population that will be happy to work for 40 cents an hour, but the interesting thing about the article is that, a company in South Africa found it more cost-effective to buy their products from an American prison. THAT'S GLOBALIZATION (very mercenary, isn't it?). "WE THE PEOPLE" are now "WE THE PAWNS".