Thanks for the response. I have done 10 or 11 Liver Flushes and I will do another one after I am done with the the Threelac. I also take Liver supplements to help stregthen my liver. I found curezone because I was having gallbladder attacks in September of last year. I have done about a 1 flush a month since then and I have not had a gallbladder attack in over 8 months! I have lost 45 pounds and feel much better. I am not sure if the Liver Flushes stirred up this candida or it is just the next step to me getting healthy. I can tell you I was REALLY frustrated after I was doing so good with the Liver Flushes & cleaning up my diet and then WHAM I started having really bad dandruff & skin problems which I know are yeast related. Anyway, I am trying to do good with the diet and Threelac so we will see!