any mystery demands study, so evidently one is interested in whatever appears mysterious and scientifically ignored that comes out of ones OWN body! we, as humans, are so limited in our perception of the concet PHYSICAL body. we tend to regard our physical vehicle as something that just is, we focus according to sexual arousal, or whether we look good or not. and when we fall ill we tend to regard it as being a HIT by fate, or from external forces. we do not regard our physical being as a result of cause and effect. the intricacy of our systems, is largely ignored since we are convinced that medical companies can treat our symptoms instantly. the hardening of the arteries, and the production of stones are brilliant examples of our calcification processes. on this site there are several posts of scientific labtesting of stones, haven't you checked them out? Ultimately the best way to experience the stones is by doing a flush and be your own example. take out som EGO-time, and scrutinize your own pebble state. it requires 24 hours out of your life. it doesn't cost much. go for advice you intuitively know can benefit you, or find your answers in the medical community among pathologists and coroners. you need to get your hands on a liver! or a gallbladder. i do wish you the best of luck a-m