I don't know anything about dead Sea Salt , but I have been using the Bentonite clay for awhile now. I have just been soaking my feet in clay, and it has been working well. Toxins and metals come out through your skin. When I am soaking I can feel it happening, it is like a tingling in the bottom of my feet. I usually let the clay/water stand overnight and the next morning I carefully pour off the water and look at what has sunk to the bottom--you would be amazed! There are flecks of gold, silver red granules and white ones too. there are also tons of black granules, and it is very sandy looking. I also noticed that the varicose veins I had near my ankles are now gone and I have only done the soak about 4 times. You can do a whole bath but that seemed like alot of work. I will probably try it one of these days. I got my Bentonite clay off the web at cedarvale.net It only cost $5.83 for 5lbs plus shipping. Hope all this helps a little. There is also a great website with lots of information about the healing power of clay---eytonsearth.org