saggy baggies
this book is a bit expensive.. bu twell worht it if will to actually do it/ it has helped me lose about90% of the bags under my eyes taht ihad form yearsa go head injureis by Sente Maria Runge.. it was oen of hte best buys ihave made yet.
well worht the cost.. my lips are fuller/my face is actually startign to llok like about 35 there abouts when i am 45.the eye under eye one is vyer easy to under stnd
she goe sin detail about the muscle sunder the skin
and it is not about jstu amkign grimaces etc.. youa really see thsoe littel muscle sworking.. check it out
save up for it.. ti is easy.. phots of a real person doing
teh exercise step by step and simple wellunderstood veyr short exercises. if youdo them regualry for about 5/10 minutes a day i ahv eno doubt yourwillsee results.i have.
and i ahd given up hoep of ever getting rid of hose darn things!!