Re: Lori going deeper on thoughts
Dear Lori,
I see you as speaking with tact and great insight.
Of course I'd like to hear your thoughts.
Yes law of attraction works for all whether we view them as good or follows thought. we move toward whatever we imagine. What we assume, expect or believe creates our experience. By changing our expectations, we change our experience of every aspect of life.
I like what you are doing to contemplate and examine and therefore understand yourself and why you operate as you do.
Don't look at yourself as critical or overbearing....if it helps really take notice of others...people you admire and have the qualities that you would like to have and congratulate them for being like you want to be...Now imagine that you are just as them and live from the end that you are already that which you wish to be.
The ego can be like that, after all it is supposed to be protective and can do so to the point that it is afraid to integrate with the higher facilities. The trick is to get the ego into the mix and not be threatening to its existence.
All of this is our perception and we know that perception is altered and when we come into alignment things will fall into place and we will have different understanding.
Hmmmm.. Well it seems that the state a person admits into his consciousness is the cause of one man being rich and another poor. The poor man admits to being in the state of poverty by saying, I am poor, just as the rich man admits wealth by saying, I am rich. Anything you claim yourself to be (be it good, bad or indifferent, right or wrong) must be made manifest in your world, by claiming the state, you have consented to its life.
"I AM" this or that makes claim to a state of being all that follows is made manifest or the effect of that we make claim to being
We must be aware of the times we make claim to that which we wish not to be and correct the errors that we were not aware of before now - The ones that we have used in an unconcious way repeatedly Not realizing that we were affirming that which we did not want
"I AM" so stupid or "I AM" a glutton for punishment....
These little phrases that we say all day in our minds or feel on some deep level cover all that we desire to see in our world with a film of negativity - We meditate or do afirmations then we go on with our daily routine thinking thoughts and feeling emotions that are actually counter productive to our original intent
We actually spend our days erasing the new thoughts/seeds with the old programmed response thoughst and feelings we have not taken notice of these little vacuums we have created that take away our dreams
Stay focused on what it is we wish to see in our world and be watchful for what we allow in and out of our being and be intent.
Love Anthony