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Re: Mental Block, "Lifeless"

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Andreas Moritz Views: 2,745
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Re: Mental Block, "Lifeless"


As I mentioned it before to someone else here, there is so much more behind the current desperation people are passing through. I just received this from someone, and I will pass it on to you and others who go through similar difficulties.

August 15, 2004


As we are rapidly approaching our next great leap in consciousness and into a brand New World, the energies are affecting us in many ways. The time frame has been completed for each individual's decision making process as to where their soul has decided would be in their best interest to be. Each soul needed to decide if being in a brand New World of our own creation would best support their highest expression of their soul and if they were ready and willing to accommodate the higher ways of more light, or if they would best benefit by moving into another reality or another realm. And not choosing to stay does not necessarily mean that some souls were not ready to vibrate higher.....some were just ready to "retire", felt that they had done enough, and chose to watch or guide from the sidelines or perhaps begin another project somewhere else.

We are now at an incredible never before place in our evolution as a whole. We are at the threshold of a MASS leap in consciousness. As the decisions have been completed, and we needed to wait for every soul to make their decision and also for every last detail of preparation for the New World to be completed and in place, we are VERY NEAR the time for our "big leap" as a whole. As these individual soul decisions have now been completed, it is as if a massive door has been slammed shut, and now the distinction has been made. There is no turning back. The "time is up" and now triggering our next step in the process. While traveling these past few weeks, I found myself on a shuttle "train" at the airport in Houston. As we all boarded the shuttle and found our seats, the doors slammed shut with great purpose and certainty. We were either on the shuttle or off the shuttle. Once the doors closed, we blasted off to our New destination, to the airport boarding gate where we would board an even "bigger" traveling device, leaving everything else behind. We feel we have all been waiting for so long for this New World to arrive and we are so very tired, but every soul needed enough time to awaken and to have as much opportunity as possible to make their decisions. It is absolutely not possible that anyone could accidentally be left behind. Whether consciously or not, all decisions were made beautifully and with complete certainty.

Currently, many are feeling VERY TIRED and wanting sleep, sleep and more sleep. We have completed a stage and are basically in the land of "in between". And in addition, whenever we are nearing a big leap ahead, we need a time to rest up and gather our strength for the New movement and energy ahead. We are metaphorically "dead", as we are soon to be reborn into a brand New World. We are in the space in between incarnations, as we will soon "reincarnate" again into a New life with many New people, New places and a New reality. We are in what I often refer to as "the tunnel". This is when we seem to have the most ascension symptoms, only this time we are all ascending IN MASS. We are moving through the typical death and rebirth process, but we are doing it while still IN OUR PHYSICAL BODIES. Feeling spaced out, difficulty with concentration, a fair amount of memory loss, not knowing exactly where you are or where you belong, in a fog, dizzy, out of body, NO DRIVE, not caring about much anymore, and so on. I have personally had several experiences of being "turned around" and losing my sense of direction. When I would get off at an off-ramp on the interstate while traveling, I could never remember which direction I was going in to get back on! Every time I bend down, I seem to spin around when getting back up and lose my sense of direction and balance. This is also a time when depression can loom up for many of us, but if you can, just hold on a little longer as it will all pass.

We may be wondering if the New World will EVER arrive. We have been waiting so long. And in addition, most of us are already "tuned up" in our vibration, resulting in a lower tolerance and disconnection from all the Old ways, Old relationships and Old World in general. Most First Wave light workers have made their leaps and transitions and are finding this phase to be difficult. As some are so readily "tuned up", the Earth is not quite ready yet, and they have no where to really go. It is as if we have found a New love, but are still in our long-standing marriage and connot be together yet. This was a difficult waiting period and we have had to utilize much of our survival tools to keep our vibrations continually high and to remain centered and powerful. But the wait is nearly over. The New World will have no interference from darkness. With each bump up in consciousness, we received a big bump up in darkness as well, as it is holding on, kicking and screaming, fearing its loss of power. The "last blast" which will result in its complete removal will also result in its most powerful attempt at retaining its foothold, but it will not succeed. I have always felt it best not to mention the dark aspect, as I believe it never serves us well to focus on it as our attention only gives it more energy and power. As we shine our lights brightly and remain in our joy, purpose and power, we naturally diminish any darkness as there is no like energy attracting like energy. As in "Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban", the darkness could only have an affect by interacting with the darkness within Harry. As we have done so much purifying and releasing, especially in these last four years, there is little darkness left to create any kind of "hook" or connection. Nothing to maintain a foothold. Yes, the darkness has absolutely wreaked havoc for a very long time on this planet. But can you imagine a world with NO DARKNESS? A world where we are free to create to our heart's content? A world that we will all create together with no interference?

Through the years as any energy reader, it has become evident that the energies seem to come in and out, to wax and wane like waves on a beach. I have to say that this has been the LONGEST wane I have ever experienced. For some reason, the longer the energy seems to be "out", the bigger the punch when it comes back in. It is almost as if it has to gather its momentum before coming back in, and it ALWAYS comes back in. When it comes in again, it will push us over the threshold into the New World, and all the Old will be left behind. During this longest waning period (beginning in May), much has occurred. We were "blasted" ahead by the energies of the spring equinox, laying the blueprint for all the New with many changes for most of us. There was so much change, it was difficult to tolerate and process. Then we had the waning where we integrated the New foundation for the New World which was the energy that the Venus Transit brought in. This will be our New air, our New blood, and our New way of being through love and the feminine. So much is happening now in regard to the feminine claiming its power. My daughter and I are oh so ready to see "Catwoman" and buy our whips on the way home! (My daughter, her husband and her sister-in-law have recently changed their family roles. Both women are working and their husbands are at home cleaning and taking care of the children. All are divinely happy and loving it!)

Currently, it is as if we have been drained of our life force, of our blood, of our very existence. We seem to be holding on by just a thread of sustenance, surviving by bare bones just to keep us going for now. Businesses are barely making it, our abundance is not as bountiful as it has been in the past, and our physical energy is low. We are just in transition and this will pass. It is as if we and all of life are being readied to be "embalmed" (smile). We have reached that point where so much has been removed in preparation for the New incredible energies of this amazing New World we are about to enter into and create. Friday evening I was invited to attend a presentation by a healer that one of my friends had been greatly impressed with. Yes, he was magnificent. One of the things he described was how important it was to remove the "negative" and lower vibrational energies from a person BEFORE you begin to bring in the healing and the light. He explained that otherwise, the light will just magnify and spread around the lower energies that need to be healed. As we experienced so much more light entering the planet through the various phases these past four years, all our imbalances and lower vibrational aspects were magnified and intensified. This "emptiness" we are now experiencing is part of the process in readiness to receive all the light of the New World.

So when will this great leap occur? Currently, we are having more involvement and visitation than ever before by beings from EVERYWHERE. There is much commotion going on as the time is near. Everyone seems to have their own interpretation and information is spreading like wildfire. And as always, there are more differing opinions than ever. Rightfully so, as this is a planet designed as a playground for creativity. Each of us absolutely creates our own reality and our own world by our own beliefs. No one is right or wrong. What we choose to believe is what we all levels. There is room for all experiences and interpretations. I remember having an experience back in March of spontaneously leaping into a much higher dimension and viewing things from there. It was quite fascinating as every one of us was living in a bubble of energy and reality of our own beliefs.....we could create whatever we wanted, and very few were doing it consciously. No one was right or wrong, as we were all just "experiencing", as that was what we were here to do. At even higher levels, we are creating and experiencing this Shift Of The Ages, as it gives Source something to do, and we are Source. It is really just a fun game that we all take much too seriously. Easy to say, if you are not in a physical body!

How do we know we are close to a New and different reality? A dear friend of mine asked me to do a reading recently. Her mother was feeling very tired and could barely do anything and felt that she was going to die in two months. What was going on? At some level, she knew that we would all be transitioning in about two months. I received a wonderful e-mail recently from a woman who had been instructed to meditate and when she did, she saw and experienced herself being embraced in the arms of Jesus. There are many more stories such as these, and they all are saying the same thing: we are about to transcend into another reality of great love and light. So if you are feeling as though you are "dying", you probably are. It seems that we have to "die" first, before we can go into the New World. As difficult as things seem to currently be, we are just completing the "dying" process and feeling "dead" before we make our "ascension".

There is much going on to assist in the process of the "leap". We are the ultimate creators here on Earth and can have much influence and power if we so choose. Patti Cota-Robles is calling for a gathering of lightworkers within the portal of the Grand Tetons in Wyoming over the Autumn equinox to fulfill the next facet of the Divine Plan. This will serve to "transmute the final vestiges of negativity and release the hatred, fear, greed and corruption perpetuated by Humanity's fallen human egos". (September 18 -23. ). is hosting an experiment called The Web of Love - A Global Experiment In Love And Communication. The effects of human emotion on specified target objects will be monitored, proving that a universal energy ties everything together. Join others on Saturday, September 18, and help to activate a new form of global telepathic communication called The Web of Love ( ). And the Abraham-Hicks message board is still conducting its 90 day experiment which began August 1, proving that by staying in a higher vibration and doing what makes you feel good, while turning your desires over to the universe to fulfill, is the New way of creating ( ). All these wonderful activities are assisting in elevating us to the next level of reality, and the results will be documented. Yes, we are always a part of the evolutionary process, and our role is vitally important. The planets, all life on Earth, and many, many non-physical beings are all in on this exciting event as well. We have so much help and things are progressing ever so smoothly.

As mankind and the planet makes this extraordinary leap, much will be different. A friend and I were talking recently about our parents receiving "stints" in their hearts. We both remarked about how both of our parents experienced having so much more energy and vitality after their stints. They could do so much more and felt so much better and alive again. When we make a transition through "death", we experience a great release of all burdens and heaviness. While doing a reading for a friend recently, it was a beautiful sight to see this individual making a decision to go into the higher realms of light, as all his burdens and responsibilities were gone and he was so much more free, lighter and joyful! This is why we are currently having such dread and difficulty with all our mundane responsibilities and chores. After I experienced that great "leap" in April, all I have wanted to do since then is play, play and play! This is our natural state of play, create and experience. We are experiencing it internally now, but our outside world is not yet reflecting it. When we are fully in the New World and free to create it however we choose, things will be different. Will this all happen instantly? Probably not. In viewing things energetically and from a higher dimension, it always looks different and usually takes time to manifest in form. In addition, we are the ultimate creators and will create step by step and day by day.

Even though we have all made our decisions as to what world we choose to be in, many will not be aware of what is happening. As we begin "ascending" in waves, there will always be those who are not quite ready yet, even though they have decided to become part of the New World. It is these individuals who will want and need our assistance. With the darkness gone, the foundation of love and the feminine in place, and our next leap being made, the New World will be ripe and ready for our creation. It is then that we will finally experience Heaven on Earth. The opportunity for creation will be profound. We will connect with twin flames and soul groups, and so on. There is still much to tell, but will have to wait for future energy alerts! Are you ready for a brand New World? I see us "jumping ahead" near the Autumn equinox, with important phases (assisted by the planets) before and after.....but that is just my reality and interpretation!

(P.S. I would love hearing from any of you in the Flagstaff, Arizona area. That appears to be my New area of resonance.)

Are you ready to create the New World?

I thank you for sharing in my joy of being me through this energy alert. Many blessings, much peace, and incredible joy in these miraculous times,


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