Re: Clarika side effects?
Hi Lovey
What do you think is causing the lack of muscle tone and lack of skin elasticity.I personally dont think it was because you were to acid.
Trying to become more alkaline when you body was previously to acid is a good thing but doesnt sound to be the sole cause of your problems to me.
What is your diet like ?
Are you taking in enought protein and asimulating it?
Make sure you eat a balanced diet[stay off the junk and processed foods].
Eat plenty of vegetables and some fruits[dont over do the fruits because of the sugar]and eat plenty of nuts and legumes,and combine them with grains to create a complete protein.
If you having gas and not breaking down your food make sure you get a good multispectrum enzyme supplement and flora bacteria enhancer like Acidophilus/lactobacillus.
As far as your wieght goes, when your body wieght gets far enough below your set body wieght you can start to lose your natural desire to eat,one of the bodies natural mechanisms.
Maybe you can eat more frequent smaller meals instead of a few large ones a day to increase your wieght .
Also include high fat foods like ,avacados,bananas,plenty of olive oil and amega 3 oils on your food may help to bring up your wieght.
Also have you had a check up from a doctor ,you might even want to have him check your thyroid to see if it is over active.
Good luck, Ken