My diet is free from sugar, gluten, chemicals, or any processed foods. I have done 3 Liver Flushes and removed many stones. I can't say that I felt better or worse after them. I will be doing another Liver Flush soon, but dread it because the high Sugar content in the apple juice increases my bloating. Malic Acid seems to do the same. So I have 6 days of intense bloating. I have sut it back to 5 days of apple juice and might try 4 days. I have not done a parasite cleanse other than I heard that parasites cannot live in an oxygenated environment and was hoping the Colosan would take care of that. I am going to try to hang in there with the Colosan. Today my bloating seems to be a little better, however I am a little afraid to eat too much. Thanks for all your help!!