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my assemblage point post cont.....
yemaya Views: 815
Published: 21 y

my assemblage point post cont.....

Finally, i have the time to wrap this all up..... by far I find this the most interesting Road.... most people will never travel down it. I have been on this road a few times....and it has been awful and scary..and only lasted briefly...but now that I have been there..i can tell quite well when others are there.....

The interesting thing is that this road goes from about the right armpit down You are shifting in a totally different reality...but you are shifting into sink with more spiritual ideas(but totally in fantasy and illusion,and not to do with this worlds reality).... hence, this is the road where schzitophenia, and (some)mental illness is..... The AP shifts down this side in moment of EXTREAM fear, anger, guilt, stress, shame, death, terror, jelousy, psychosis..... The longer the person holds onto the energy in motion(emotion) the further down this point shifts...

The Blue Road

Point 1
Neeedy Point
Giving your power away because it feels good. By doing this you dont have to do anything about your life. You are not responsible.

Point 2
You cant live without a definition of being at the effect. You only know that everything else is the cause and you are always at the effect.

Point 3
Totally unwilling to assume authority and take responcibility for your life. Everyone else is to blame for your reality. You are not in control of your own ship. (be it your family..or even dillutions or the government,or aliens... etc..)

Point 4
At this point you have lost all individuality and autonomy. You no longer think idependently. You are okay only as long as someone tells you what to do. You are dependent on others in all aspects and have no self relience on any level.

If your AP moves past this point it causes instant death.


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