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Give it Heart & Make it Real

Give it Heart & Make it Real
by Susan Ann Darley

Science has revealed to us that life is energy. Inanimate objects such as rocks, trees, cars and tables consist of energy. The earth, space and the entire universe is filled with invisible, flowing energy, which is at our disposal, ever waiting to be called into form.

Metaphysically speaking, what we give our attention to magnifies and ultimately manifests. If you focus on negatives, you promote negatives. If you focus on the positive side of life, guess what? You got it! Life corresponds. The physical universe is spirit in form and you call forth into manifestation what you concentrate on.

What do you concentrate on?

We are bombarded with negatives - sometimes through the influence of others or through old, worn-out tapes that play over and over in our heads. Certainly the media has a definite influence over us. Turn on the news and what do you hear? Mostly negative and fear producing information.

It is challenging to rise above the influence of the world at large in order to create positively. But you can. First of all, make a conscious decision to do so. You have the right to choose what you wish to experience. Next be aware of your thoughts and feelings. Listen carefully to what you think and say. Catch yourself and change the thought when it works against what you want.

The reason old patterns repeat over and over, is because we fall asleep on the job. We must move from passive to active and use our wills in a constructive effort to change.

You also need to create the consciousness in order to manifest and receive your desires. If you wish to demonstrate greater prosperity, you must develop a prosperity consciousness. If you desire good health, you must embody the idea a healthy body.

When the appearance is contrary to what you wish to manifest, it can feel like climbing uphill with weights on. But you can do it. When Maya Angelou's son was in a car accident, the doctors told her that he would probably not walk out of the hospital. She replied, "How dare you tell me that. I have taken it to a higher authority." Two weeks later, he walked out. So can you. Take it to a higher authority and mentally create the consciousness that will breathe life into your desire.

When actively working on manifestation remember to pay attention to your feelings. For example, pretend you are interested in receiving a new car, but have not quite decided what type. You list five different models. I guarantee that you will manifest the model that evokes the most feeling.

Be aware that your feelings can work against you if you are holding negative thoughts. An example. You want to manifest a new job in order to leave the one you're in now. You focus and carefully think about what you want in the new one and two months later begin your new job. However, after a few weeks, it reminds you of the old job because your new boss is a clone of your old boss. After much soul searching you realize that your unresolved feelings of resentment and anger in your old job have now manifested in your new job.

Emotions and feelings energize form. When you are troubled by negative energy that seems to have a chokehold on your dreams, go to your heart. The heart is a deep feeling instrument of power. It is wise, understanding, and forgiving.

Kneel in the silence of your inner sanctuary and humbly ask that all negative feelings be dissolved. When you feel the presence of peace, know that a healing has taken place and that the perfect and positive manifestation of your desire is on its way.


Author Bio:

Empowerment Coach, Susan Ann Darley, helps people to honor their creativity, explore their possibilities and market their creative projects. She is the author of The Power of Constructive Love.

Contact her at: You Got It! Productions, (626) 355-3017 or (800) 769-7403.

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