Yellow Cosmic Sun on Harmonic Concordance day!! November 9th 2003 - Mayan Astrology significance
Hi all!
Well - this is Part I of some information from my perspective on the Harmonic Concordance coming up on November 8th/9th depending on where you live. (it's happening both days for sure, but the peak is different where you live)
I just find it utterly amazing that the Mayan Calendar day for November 9th, 2003 is....Yellow Cosmic Sun!! This is mind-blowing really. Why? Because there are 20 Daykeepers (Yellow Sun being the final and most beautiful one) and there are 13 Tones ('Cosmic' being the final and most beautiful one!!) see there are 260 different combinations of Tones with Daykeepers (example: someone will be a Yellow MAGNETIC Sun or a Yellow LUNAR Sun or a Yellow Electric Sun....all the way through 13 Tones. This is done for each of the 20 Daykeepers) you see what is happening here? On the Harmonic Concordance day, November 9th, 2003 - we have this Ultimate, most beautifully Cosmic and Divine: Yellow Cosmic Sun!! WOW. To top it off, it is a 'Galactic Portal Day' - there are 68 of these special days in 365 days. It is when the veil is the thinnest and you're you have access to more Divine Power/Love.
But this is not all! There is a Full Moon on November the 9th too!! (will the wonder ever stop?? ha! NO!)
This is all conspiring to be quite the Transcendant day. Stay open the amazing energies available....and walk through the portal of Triality (connection with your Higher Self - instead of just Duality: Conscious self + Subconscious self)....breath LOVE in and out...Trust that you are where you are meant to be....let go of those old structures and limitations from the past...and flow into the future...
Below is the writings on the Mayan Yellow Sun - and below that is information on the Cosmic Tone. Put them all together and you have one magical Day that is energizing our future, individually and planetarily!!
Yellow Sun
Qualities: union, wholeness, ascension, unconditional love, solar mastery, Christ consciousness, language of light, ecstasy, limitless bliss, crown of creation.
"I Am that I Am...I Am that I Am...I Am that I Am." This mantra of Ahau (Yellow Sun in Mayan pronounced a how) is a meditation for accessing the I Am presence that contains great power and universal truth. Ahau is the mystery unveiled, the simplicity of unconditional love and limitless bliss. Known by many names, Ahau is the Solar Lord, the Mind of Light, the Center that is also your center. Ahau is your solar home, the Great Central Sun.
Ahau is a reminder that you are, at every moment, in the center of All That Is. In your journey of remembrance, you are crafting a light body to return to a home in the stars that you never really left. Return as a child of the sacred to the Great Central Sun! You are the crown of creation, infused with the blueprint of solar mind. You are a Godseed, the reflection of cosmic consciousness. You are love made visible!
Discover the simple secret encoded in Ahau's star-glyph: you are unconditional love, the stone of indestructible liberation. Radiate that knowing in all your thoughts and actions. Love all of creation. Join the dance of light, the fundamental constant of nature, and shine forth the clarity of your true essence. There is great power in simply identifying with the light:"As above, so below." You are in God, and God is in you.
As you express unconditional love, you become more than you previously perceived yourself to be. You become illumined, the full manifestation of your divinity. In the embrace of your humanity, accept yourself and others unconditionally. Magnify your full presence. Ahau will come in myriad forms to assist you. Be limitless. Accept and understand the nature of judgement, fear, light and dark within yourself and others. Love and accept yourself and others as you are, freed from previous boundaries. You are the dawning of the solar age.
As you move toward your core of light, you will find a clear-light awareness that is innately innocent. In this place, the mind is restored to it's original state of receptivity. Clarity and freedom become expressions of being, and bliss becomes the body. At this core of light, a new reality is born. From the union of the divine masculine and feminine is birthed the solar androgyny of cosmic consciousness.
Here is a story about the nature of Ahau, the nature of your Essence Self. In the beginning, Hunab Ku, the One Giver of Movement and Measure, the 'no-thing', wanted to know what it would be like to be 'some-thing'. From that thought, the Isness stepped down its vibration into the unseen frequencies of light. This experience was so fulfilling that the Isness decided to step down even further, giving birth to visible light and sound. The friction produced in this process created endless fields of electrons in the primordial seas, building the foundation for energy, which in turn slowed and dreamed itself into mass. Druing the blissful dance of energy, playing fields were created, and the dimensions of time and space were formed as the warp and woof of those ecstatic fields. Hunab Ku's immense love then seperated, creating 144,000 core essences, or fragments of the Great Isness, to enact their seperate dramas on the great playing field of life.
Now we find ourselves in a great awakening. We have the opportunity to retrace our steps, to return to union with Original Cause. We who have deepened the illusion of seperation are now poised to retrieve what seemed to be lost forever. Through the gift of rebirth and ascension, we are reclaiming our original state of union with God. We are going home.
The process of rebirth and ascension can be viewed simply as the raising of the vibratory rate of the Earth and her children. It is embodied in the state of consciousness that knows the self as divine. The circlet, or crown, is a symbol of recognizing and knowing that divine self. So the crown as a sacred tool is a universal symbol of the completion of a circle of self-empowerment and self-authority. Full ascension is the freedom to take your physical form with you to other planes and dimensions. In preparation for the ascension, there is an opening and clearing of your light seals and chakras. If you choose to walk this path, know that in the embodiment of your "I Am" self, you will learn to accept all things unconditionally, forgiving and releasing all judgements of yourself and others. The activation of solar mind and ascension is already in progress. In divine fusion, you are becoming the one body of the ascension.
...the book goes on, but my fingers are getting tired of typing (and maybe you are getting tired of reading!) Anyway, you get the essential idea of what Yellow Sun is about...and this happens to fall on the Harmonic Concordance! woo hoooo!
Taken from the book, "The Mayan Oracle - Return Path to the Stars" by Ariel Spilsbury & Michael Bryner.
Cosmic Tone -- basically means TRANSCENDENCE!
November 9th, 2003 asks you.....How do I Transcend? Or how do I take Magic Flight? The answer is...through Yellow Sun, the Full Moon and the Harmonic Concordance......
More on the astrology of the Harmonic Concordance later.
Astrology of the Harmonic Concordance