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Heart-Space and Assemblage Point
You are about to see how the heart has everything to do with the achievement of your goals. You are also about to see how your external experiences are assembled.

What is the Heart or Heart Space?
You have often heard phrases such as “believe it in your heart and it shall happen” or “it is where your heart is” or something like that.

Why do people refer to the heart that way? They seem to have a deeper knowing that it holds a certain power.

Before we proceed, it is important to know that we are not speaking of the physical heart here, the muscle in your chest cavity that pumps blood. We are talking of the etheric part of your being, in your etheric body, which is called the heart chakra. It is an energy center that is mapped to your physical heart. Just like your physical heart, it gives life to your experiences. It is also called the center of love. You will see more about chakras later, your body’s energy centers. For now, just keep in mind that it is a primary energy center. You are very familiar with it yourself. You feel warmth there when you feel love or passion for a person, project, a desire or anything else you are excited about. You feel it “break” when you go through an experience that you choose to experience as critical and unexpected or negative to you. You have felt that energy center often. It is very familiar to you. That is what we are talking about here.

Now get ready to find out some amazing things about it!

The subconscious is the heart - People talk of the subconscious mind all the time, and you have heard often how powerful your subconscious is and how it calls forth events in your life. Here is a very interesting thing. The ancient Greeks were the first modern philosophers or our known world. The influence of Greek scholars such as Socrates and Plato is still great to this day, and many of the recent and highly acclaimed philosophers and psychologists, including Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud, took their initial knowledge from them. Now, the ancient Greeks called the subconscious mind the heart. Today, when you speak of the heart, people imagine that muscle, the physical heart. But the Greeks knew it represented the subconscious. But you ask “I thought the subconscious was in the brain?” No, it is in the mind, not the brain. The brain is just a dense collection of neurons and so on. But these extend all over your body. In fact, brain waves can be measu! red all over the body using scientific instruments. The mind, on the other hand, is not located in your brain only. The brain is only where you consciously interact with your mind. It is like the interface between your mind and your body. Your mind is not physical. Yes, your mind is not physical. Your brain is, but not your mind. Your mind extends all over your body and beyond to eternity. It has no end. There is only One Mind. Every cell of your body has intelligence. The DNA has intelligence. The atoms in your toe have their own intelligence. Your mind is all over. Now the seat of your subconscious mind is in that part of your etheric body that you call your heart. Hold that thought for now. This will become clearer as we progress. Let us look at something else.

The heart is the seat of consciousness - Consciousness is being awake to, knowing that you are. It is that “I Am”. That is consciousness. Consciousness is the ability to consciously know you are experiencing. You need consciousness to feel your experiences. Without it, you will not know you are. This is the path of evolution - rising consciousness. That is the game we all play. Becoming more aware of more and more of our infinite self. This is growth. This is soul work. Now, the seat of consciousness is the heart. Consciousness is about feeling. How do you feel now? Feelings, emotions, are the processing of experiences. The mind is simply a tool to create those experiences so that consciousness can experience. Hold that thought. It will become clearer as we progress. Let us look at something else.

Why do all our religions talk of the heart? - Have you ever wondered why all our religions and spirituality, worldwide, all talk of the heart? Why? Why is it so central and important? You will see why. But basically, it is because it is where your consciousness is and where your experiences are assembled.

The heart is the chakra of love - As we have said and as we will see in detail in the part on the chakra energy centers, the heart is the center of love. Love is the greatest force ever known. In fact, it is the force of creation. It is the nature of God. The Creator creates by extension of Itself, creating in the image and likeness. Love is that extension. It is that allowance. Love creates and is the “stuff” of which The Creator is made of. The word Love and God are interchangeable. God is not a personality, It is a process that is everywhere and in all things at all times. Nothing can exist without It. Ask God who He/She is and the answer you get is I Am That I Am. Love, the creation force, is most active in our body in the heart space. Now we are getting somewhere with the understanding of the creative power of the heart!

What Is The Assemblage Point?
You may also have heard of people say things such as “ever since my heart was broken (or freed), everything seems different, like I am living in a different world”.

Why do they say that? The reason is that their assemblage point has shifted and their experiences and perception of those experiences has therefore shifted.

The assemblage point is like an “eye”, an “eye of consciousness”, a “lens”, in the heart space. It is where you assemble your perception and your experiences. Many ancient civilizations knew about this and actively used it. More recently, it has been popularized again by Toltec and Shamanic authors such as Carlos Castenada.

Let us move through this slowly.

1. Energy comes to us all the time from the non-physical realm and into the physical.

2. This Clear Light is always flowing forth, creating new experiences for our consciousness to experience. Every moment is a moment of creation.

3. But Clear Light, the life force, has no design of its own. It is a field of infinite pure un-manifested potential. It gets its “template” from what it flows through, the assemblage point.

4. It flows out passing through the assemblage point in the heart space. Whatever it find in that “lens” is what it projects outwards, is what it manifests into the physical.

5. The way you experience your manifestations is also determined by your assemblage point. Seeing is actually a function of the body. All sensory experiences are eventually processed in the heart space.

6. Your assemblage point shifts. It is not in one static place all the time. It shifts suddenly due to extreme moments of joy or trauma, drugs, alcohol, spiritual experiences, health and dis-ease and the like. It shifts gradually due to everyday activities. And when you sleep, it shifts radically during dreaming phases, and then settles back on awakening.

7. Whenever it shifts, the way you create, experience and perceive your world changes. Some shifts last long, some only a short while. Large shifts are accompanied by huge shifts in perception and creation, sometimes to the point where nothing is familiar and life seems very different.

8. The location and focus of the assemblage point also affects your brain frequencies, which in turn affects your level of consciousness, health and so on. It also works vice versa.

So how does stuff end up in that lens? Your thoughts, emotions, feelings, and unresolved memories make up that lens. They make up the assemblage point. This is what you put up to the Clear Light to create your experiences. It all happens automatically. But you always have choice as to your thoughts, emotions, feelings and unresolved memories.

What you see “outside” of you is very much like a hologram of what is inside of you. It is a mirror, whereby your external conditions mirror your internal state.

All life forms have electromagnetic fields that can be measured by scientific instruments. Numerous researches, especially with plants, have shown that all organisms consciously and unconsciously communicate with, control and are formed by fields of energy. In fact it doesn’t take much research to know this. Simply walk past a cheap radio and your body will start disrupting the reception; you will hear static interfering with the music coming from the radio the closer you get to the radio’s antenna.

Scientists now know that the heart space has the highest amount of energy flow in the body. The bio-magnetic field around the heart is about 1 million times as strong as the one around the brain (the brain and the palms of the hands are the next highest producers/points of energy in the body).

You are literally a ball of intelligent energy. The center of that energy, the core, is the heart! It sets the vibration and template of the rest of us that extends within and way beyond what you call your body. You are much larger than your body, as you know.

Scientifically speaking, we are always vibrating at various frequencies depending on how we feel. These vibrations emanate from us and move at the speed of light outwards and into the cosmos, extending to the ends of the universe. That is the nature of electromagnetic signals, which you produce. You and a star are not much different. A star sends out its uniquely coded signal that travels for light-years until we receive it, and so do you, right from your heart. You cannot have a thought that does not touch the farthest stars. This vibration is what attracts back to you, by law of attraction, experiences that harmonize with that vibration.

Here is another way of looking at it: Consciousness is the capability of knowing you are, and experiencing your Self. Consciousness is therefore a function of attention (because you have to put your attention, your focus, on something for you to experience it). Now we know from various teachings that whatever you put your attention to is energized and grows. That is why, when you are worried, people tell you “don’t think about it, and stay positive”. They know deep within that it works. Do you see how it is all connected now? When you put your attention on something, you are placing your consciousness on it, your assemblage point “lens”. As you hold your attention there, the Clear Light, the very energy that creates entire universes, flows through that and manifests it, energizes it and projects it onto the physical. That is the amount of power you naturally command!

Now let us look at two words:

1. Allowance

2. Blocking

People say “allowance, letting go, works miracles”. Why? Because that stream of energy flowing through you has to be allowed without blockages, without interference, without your ego putting negating thoughts, fears, into the path and trying to control what it doesn’t even know about fully. Now you know why a blockage is called a blockage - it literally blocks. And you see why allowance and letting go works in harmony with Clear Light, the life force. But we will look at all this later.

So What? What Does This Have To Do With My Goals and Desires?
Well, in case you have not put this together, here it is:

1. Your heart space and assemblage point put together your experiences. They are like a lens through which Clear Light, the life force, passes through and projects what it finds there into the physical world, thereby creating your experiences.

2. The “lens”, your assemblage point, is composed of your thoughts, emotions, feelings, and unresolved memories. These are what are projected “out there” into “objects and experiences” through various means of creation.

3. How you feel, what your vibration is, is what can indicate to you the type of experiences that will follow, that will manifest in future.

So learn how to feel your heart! Put attention to it! Most people have most of their attention in the brain, day dreaming! That is very unconscious. Be present. Start to feel yourself. Feel your heart at all times. Put your attention there. This will make you present and aware.

For starters, take 10 minutes off right now and feel your heart. Put your hand over that region if it helps you focus. Close your eyes. Feel it, appreciate it, and play with it. You will feel its warmth grow. Feel that power within it rising. Feel it open up - imagine it open up! Do this often enough and with time you will develop a very intimate link with your heart. And remember that the heart is the center of love. Allow yourself to experience and give love in increasing quantities.

Once you feel your heart, you will increasingly be aware of how you feel. When you know how you feel, you can change it. In doing so you can call forth different experiences. We will talk more about this later and we have already talked about feelings before. But the question “How do I feel now?” is highly important.

Also, whenever you visualize your goals and desires, first start by feeling your heart, putting attention to it. When you are fully centered on your heart, you then start to visualize your desire. All this will be explored in detail later. But in short, visualization done while your focus is on the heart does miracles! It is directly painting your desire onto your subconscious and feeling the response of your subconscious directly. It is planting the seed right onto the Clear Light, bypassing the usual analysis and mucking about of the ego. It is energizing your desire with love as you visualize it. You will see more of this later.

Let us look at the heart space a bit more for now...

It Is Like a Canvas That Must Be Clean First for Best Effect
As you have seen, whatever you place in your heart is projected outwards to be experienced in the physical world. Your heart is like a projector, with the life force as the light that shines through it, projecting onto the world whatever image is in it.

So in a way it acts like a canvas on which you can paint on. Whatever you paint on it, is converted into an experience.

The heart is like a canvas. If it has an old image on it when you paint a new one on, the old one will still show through. Old images are things like old limiting beliefs, past related experiences that you haven’t resolved, and so on. For example, say you wish to manifest a new romantic relationship. You then go about visualizing the perfect partner and all that. If you still have old fears and so on that you carried over from your last relationship, what will actually manifest is whatever you visualized plus the fears you still hold about relationships. Your canvas was not clean so the old image and the new one are projected. To get only the new image to manifest purely is for you to clear your heart of all old related beliefs that you are still holding on.

This clearing will be brought up in various other places in this book and software. It isn’t complicated at all. Clearing is simply releasing limiting beliefs that you have acquired and hold as truth. And as you will see later, a belief is simply a thought that you keep repeating. That is all. For now, just remember that the clearing process, dropping your limiting beliefs, is important for perfect manifestation.

A clean slate, a clear heart is very powerful. To illustrate its power, remember the last time you had a desire that instantly manifested. If you look back carefully, you will realize that you did not have a limiting belief about it, you had a clean slate. This ‘clean slate state’ usually happens when you desire something that you have no past experience with. You see, without a past experience, you cannot have built any limiting belief. Hence your heart, on that subject matter, is very clear. Limiting beliefs only come up when you have an experience that you deem as negative to you and then adapt a limiting and fearful conclusion about all future similar experiences.

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