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Re: It Has Begun

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HealingHearts Views: 847
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Re: It Has Begun

Thanks for posting this alisaun, you beat me to the punch. lol
Now my lights flickered here, but they did not go off. On Friday I was guided to help those who had their power off and had confirmation from a friend of mine in Canada that her power had gone back on during the time frame that I was setting the lights to go back on at. I know that I wasn't the only one working on this situation. :)
On Aug. 30th I had my energy class which had put me on another higher energy vibration level.
On Sept. 7th when I came back home from getting my pup, guess what had happened? The same shift for the electronics and electrical happened to me here. I went to check my email, and no dial tone on my comp. phone line. So I called up the phone company from my main phone line to have them check it out. They said that they had a 24 hour turn around on problems. So the next day I tried it, and it was back on. I called the phone company to see what they had found out anything, and they were confused. They had found no problems with the line what so ever. They never even fixed it. It corrected its self by its self. So with both of us shaking our heads, I thanked them and hung up the phone. lol

So I know what Steve was talking about when he wrote his introduction to this past months channeling. lol

"From Steve:

For several months, the Group has been talking about the middle of August 2003 as a special time. They said recently that the Crystal Energy entering from the solar flares had increased during June and July to store enough energy in the Earth to prepare us for what was to take place in mid-August. I was really expecting that in last month’s message they would tell us what was happening and what to look for. Last month’s message about the “Gray Zone” said nothing specific about this mysterious August event, and they gave only very cryptic answers when asked directly. All they would say is that a major portal was opening and that we need to have enough crystal energy in place to adjust to the new possibilities it would bring.

Then, in mid-August, several major events happened having to do with energy. Barbara and I were in Edmonton, Canada, August 7 through 13, and there were very intense electrical storms taking place. Our hotel was struck by lightening at least once. These electrical storms continued, starting several devastating forest fires. Then, the next day, the East Coast blackout hit. People called and wrote hundreds of e-mails asking what the Group had said about the blackouts. Again the Group was mysteriously silent. I have heard this silence from them before, as many times they speak to people on many dimensional levels with the same words. For that to happen, timing is very important.

Our next travels took us to Toronto, where they were still experiencing power problems and we were not even sure until the last minute if we could have the conference. In the live channel you are about to read, the Group explained that they had wanted me to feel the portal before I began to talk about it. That happened in Toronto.

The conference went well, but while we were there, we again experienced very intense electrical storms. It was then the Group began talking about what was happening. They spoke about the opening of inter-dimensional portals that would change everything over the next several years. They said these openings would continue until the first level of energy was acclimated. A few days later, St. Petersburg, Russia, went dark for no apparent reason. Only days later, a good portion of London blacked out. Most importantly, the Group warned us that this was just the beginning; that there was much more to come.

Since these messages began, in February of 1996, we have evolved the way they are delivered. They first began as monthly meditations and have evolved several times over the years. The following channel was the first “live” Beacons of Light Re-minders from Home. The Group wanted to deliver a message live that would also be the same Beacons of Light Re-minders from Home that would be sent out later.

On August 30th we presented the following live message in the new Lightworker Family Room. They spoke of the inter-dimensional portals opening and how that would affect us all on many different levels. They specifically said that the adjustments in our world would first be felt as electrical disturbances. The funny part was that, as we were giving the message live, a huge electrical storm not only hit the East Coast but the Internet itself. Many people were not able to hear the first live channel as we had hoped.

I remember thinking to myself that this would be no problem, as I was taping the channel from my own recording studio so I would be able to put it on the Internet later. Then the Group began saying that many of our electrical devices needed to acclimate to this new energy and informed me that my own recording equipment would not be recording the channel as I had intended. I received this channel instead from several people who had recorded it from their own Internet connection. Even so, the original can still be heard on the Lightworker site, although cut short slightly.

We will be doing more of the live Beacons in the near future, so please watch for the details at the Lightworker site. After all, our equipment is now acclimated!" (Introduction from "It Has Begun")Copyright 2003. Steve Rother. This information may be freely disseminated, in whole or in part, provided there is no charge for the information and this notice is attached. When using a partial version of this material, please state that it is an abridged version and refer the reader to the original, complete version at

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